Title: the Emperor'snew Mind concerning Computers, Minds and the Laws of Physics
Despite its flaws, this is a stimulating book, ranging over such varied topics as: philosophy of mind, theoretical computer science, artificial intelligence (AI), tiling theory, the Mandelbrot set, philosophy of mathematics (including the analysis of undecidability theorems), the main ideas of classical physics, quantum physics, cosmology (big bang, black holes and all), the nature of time, and neurophysiology. It has already attracted a great deal of attention, in reviews, on radio and television discussions, and lectures given by the author, (partly because there are many people who want to believe that AI must fail). The December 1990 issue of the Behavioural and Brain Sciences journal, includes a full treatment of the book, including comments by thirty seven reviewers and a reply by the author.
[1] Aaron Sloman,et al. Did Searle attack strong strong or weak strong AI , 1987 .