Verification of the Kcat Value of AAT via COPASI

I t d ti n ro uc on Although light activated enzymes such as DNA photolayse do exist, the vast majority of enzymes do not require the absorption of light for catalytic activity. In some cases, however, light can initiate biological activity such as the CO dissociation which can be initiated in hemoglobin and myoglobin by blue light absorption. This brings up the question of whether light excitation can generally affect the catalytic activity of chromophoric enzymes by accelerating cofactorVerification of Experimental Kcat values via COPASI In order to verify Melissa Hill’s experimental results, the computer program COPASI will be used. COPASI stands for COmplex PAthway SImulator and is an open source application for solving mathematical models of biological processes. It is based on the GEPASI simulation software that was developed in the early 1990s by Pedro Mendes. COPASI is the result of an international collaboration between the University of Manchester (UK), the University of Heidelberg (Germany), and the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute(USA). Current dependent rate-limiting steps. development efforts are supported by a grant from the National Institute of Health and the German Ministry of Education. The two models of AAT mechanisms where turned into COPASI files by identifying the species and reactions of the mechanism as well as defining the container in which the reactions would take place. Each reaction was given a rate law using a mass action model which was either reversible or irreversible depending on the reaction.