Spotlight synthetic aperture radar : signal processing algorithms

Part 1 Introduction: spotlight SAR SAR modes importance of spotlight SAR early SAR chronology. Part 2 Synthetic aperture radar fundamentals: SAR system overview imaging considerations pulse compression and range resolution synthetic aperture technique for Azimuth resolution SAR coherence requirements signal phase equation inverse SAR (ISAR) SAR sensor parametric design. Part 3 Spotlight SAR and polar format algorithm: scope of processing task polar format overview polar data storage as a two-dimensional signal correction for non-planar motion polar format algorithm limitations Taylor series expansion procedures phase of image pixels image geometric distortion image focus error equations displacements and absolute positioning. Part 4 Digital polar format processing: sampling rate conversion polyphase filters polar interpolation image scale factors image distortion correction signal history projections stabilized scene polar interpolation subpatch processing and mosaicking. Part 5 Phase errors: classification of phase error management of phase error magnitude of phase error requirements on a practical SAR motion sensor moving target effects. Part 6 Autofocus techniques: mapdrift multiple aperture mapdrift phase difference phase gradient prominent point processing considerations for space-variant refocus. Part 7 Processor design examples: the common UNIX SAR processor the ground to air imaging radar processor. Part 8 SAR system performance: image quality metrics system performance budgeting requirements on system impulse response requirements on system noise geometric distortion secondary image quality metrics test arrays. Part 9 Spotlight processing applications: spotlight processing of scan and stripmap SAR data interferometric SAR forward look SAR vibrating target detection. Part 10 Range migration algorithm: model algorithm overview analytical development discussion efficient algorithms for range migration processing. Part 11 Chirp scaling algorithm: non-dechirped signal model algorithm overview analytical development discussion. Part 12 Comparison of image formation algorithms: image formation algorithm models computational complexity memory requirements other considerations.