SILEX project: the first European optical intersatellite link experiment
The SILEX concept, based on 0.8-micron diodes, is summarized, and the key features of the mission and its technical definition are described. The SILEX project is at the beginning of its development phase. The two optical payloads will be ready for launch in 1994-1995 so as to allow a flight demonstration from 1996 on, depending on the satellite launch dates, which are to be decided as a function of the operation of SPOT 3 in orbit. The SILEX general schedule is given. One of the aims of the engineering phase has been to develop a complete system test bed which has made it possible to reinforce the overall selected concept and verify the expected performances. This test bed is to be refurbished to become an essential integration and verification tool during the hardware development and integration phase. Present technological perspectives on components confirm the selection of the wavelength range and its suitability to a longer-term application: optical power and reliability for the laser diodes, and very low noise performance for the detectors.