Good news.

Session Notes The Session met on February 20, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Academy. Rev. Melissa Goodman opened the meeting with prayer. Elders present were Cheryl Barnett, Connie Bussard, Sara Fike, Denise Getty, Mary Anne Lytle, Marlene Preteroti, Brenda Wadding, Sheila Wadding and Clerk of Session Donna Neal. The minutes of the December 17, 2013 Session Meeting were approved. Motion Carried to submit the Annual Report of the Church to the office of the General Assembly. Total membership to date is 210. Rev. Goodman reported she had made two home visits, three hospital visits, seven pastoral phone calls and met with the Worship Committee. She meets weekly with three college students for Bible study. The reports of the Treasurer and the Financial Secretary were reviewed and will be filed for audit. The average attendance for December was 71 and the average attendance year-to-date 70. The average attendance in January was 65. The Worship Committee is planning for the Easter Season. World Day of Prayer is March 7, 2014. The meeting closed with prayer by Sheila Wadding. The next meeting is March 20, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Academy.