Assessment of Geomagnetic Hazard to Power Systems in Canada

This paper presents an assessment ofgeomagnetic hazard on the five largest power systemsin Canada. From east to west these are: Nova ScotiaPower, Hydro-Quebec, Ontario Hydro West System, Manitoba Hydro, and the northern B.C. Hydro system. The aim of this study was to determine howfrequently, and where in a system, largegeomagnetically induced currents (GIC) could beexpected. To do this, an analysis was made of thespectral characteristics of the magnetic fieldvariations that cause GIC, and a review was made ofpublished magnetotelluric soundings in order todetermine conductivity models for different parts ofthe country. The magnetic field spectra and theconductivity information were then used to determinethe electric fields produced during geomagneticdisturbances. A relation was determined betweenelectric field magnitudes and the magnetic activityindex, Kp so that statistics for Kp could be used todetermine the occurrence rates of large electricfields. Power system models were used to determinethe GIC produced by the `1-year' and `10-year'electric fields experienced by each power system.