Effects of the LLL Reduction on the Success Probability of the Babai Point and on the Complexity of Sphere Decoding

A common method to estimate an unknown integer parameter vector in a linear model is to solve an integer least squares (ILS) problem. A typical approach to solving an ILS problem is sphere decoding. To make a sphere decoder faster, the well-known LLL reduction is often used as preprocessing. The Babai point produced by the Babai nearest plane algorithm is a suboptimal solution of the ILS problem. First, we prove that the success probability of the Babai point as a lower bound on the success probability of the ILS estimator is sharper than the lower bound given by Hassibi and Boyd [1]. Then, we show rigorously that applying the LLL reduction algorithm will increase the success probability of the Babai point and give some theoretical and numerical test results. We give examples to show that unlike LLL's column permutation strategy, two often used column permutation strategies SQRD and V-BLAST may decrease the success probability of the Babai point. Finally, we show rigorously that applying the LLL reduction algorithm will also reduce the computational complexity of sphere decoders, which is measured approximately by the number of nodes in the search tree in the literature.

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