A High-throughput Screening Approach to Discovering Good Forms of Biologically-inspired Visual Representation. Text S2: Technical Details of the Computational Framework

The high-throughput search described in this paper takes advantage of multiple levels of parallelism, from coarse to fine-grained. Roughly speaking, fine-grained parallelism is exploited by allocating one core (of which modern graphics hardware have many; and their number is exponentially growing over the years) to one or more virtual neurons, while coarse-scale parallelism is achieved by allocating one model instantiation to each of many multi-core pools (i.e. CPUs, Cell Processors, GPUs). Because we evaluated thousands of model instantiations, it was straightforward to spread these evaluations across a cluster of GPU-enabled nodes, with the throughput of each node maximized by taking full advantage of fine-grained parallelism. In practice, as a general rule in modern high-performance computing, the level of speed-up that is achievable depends more fundamentally on the ability to bring relevant memory fetches to the parallel arithmetic processing units, than on the number of these units per se. For this reason, stream processing architectures contain special mechanisms for explicit manipulation of fast local caches (e.g. the Local Stores on the Cell processor and Shared Memory on NVIDIA GPUs). Importantly for maximizing the usage of the parallel resources in these processors, some of the largest computational bottlenecks present in our model class (e.g. filtering operations), lend themselves to the usage of such caches by loading small tiles of data into local caches. More broadly, because each layer of each model maintains a notion of x-y space, and because most of the operations operate over spatially local regions (e.g. normalization occurs within a spatially-restricted neighborhood), our coarseto-fine-grain parallelism can be exploited throughout a large portion of our model implementation. The use of commodity graphics hardware has drastically reduced the cost