Germoplasma e melhoramento genético do maracujá – histórico e perspectivas

Wild species of passion fruit have great potential for use in breeding programs and as rootstocks, and they are alternatives for diversifying production systems with new functional foods for fresh consumption (sweet passion fruit) and new options for ornamental and medicinal plants. To realize the full potential of the Passifloras, especially species of brazilian biodiversity, agronomic characterization studies and genetic improvement are strategic and very important. The cultivation of passion fruit on a commercial scale began in the 1970, with sour passion fruit. The national yield average is around 14 ton / ha / year and the potential of culture under experimental conditions, can reach 50 tons / ha / year. Therefore, it is essential to use genetically improved varieties. Regarding the sweet passion fruit, ornamental and medicinal plants, despite their great potential, the cultivation in Brazil is very small. Within this context of diversified use of passion fruit, this article presents some of the history, current results and perspectives of further research fordevelopment of passion fruit and programs involving conservation, characterization and use of germplasm and genetic breeding.