The lumbar subdural extraarachnoid space of humans: an anatomical study using spinaloscopy in autopsy cases.

The lumbar subdural extraarachnoid space was examined by spinaloscopy in 15 autopsy subjects. Special attention was paid to the ease with which the space opened up and also to the extent of view achieved. In ten cases the space opened up with ease, in four cases with difficulty, and in one case it was not possible to establish the subdural space at all. The bevel of an 18-gauge Tuohy needle introduced into the subdural space could be visualized in eight of 13 cases. An epidural catheter was then passed through the Tuohy needle into the subdural space in eight cases and was visualized in six of them. Although care must be exercised in drawing conclusions for clinical epidural anesthesia from autopsy cases, this study confirms the possibility of placing both the bevel of a Tuohy needle and an epidural catheter in the subdural space. The results reemphasize the need for caution suggested by other reports regarding the possibility of subdural puncture in epidural anesthesia and subsequent injection of anesthetic solution into the subdural space.