Current and Projected Characteristics and Unique Health Care Needs of the Patient Population Served by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Kanaka D. Shetty | Carrie M. Farmer | David M. Adamson | Rachel L. Ross | C. Rutter | Dulani Woods | S. Hosek | R. Weinick | A. Mulcahy | J. Mendelsohn | M. Pollard | Kandice A Kapinos | Amii M. Kress | Trinidad Beleche | M. Cefalu | C. Eibner | K. Kapinos | Andrew W Mulcahy | Heather Krull | Kristine M. Brown | Philip Armour | Ernesto F. L. Amaral | O. Bogdan | J. Hastings | Kandice A. Kapinos