A Text-book in the Principles of Science Teaching

THIS book is a treatise on the principles and methods of science teaching in secondary schools, and is intended to serve as a text-book on education in training colleges and as a guide to all who are concerned with science teaching and its organisation. It is a large book of twenty-four compact chapters, each being a veritable mine of information. At the end of each chapter there are valuable lists of reference books and sets of questions for further study, and in the appendices are given a selected list of science books suitable for school libraries, a bibliography for teachers, and a list of scientific periodicals.A Text-book in the Principles of Science Teaching.By Prof. G. R. Twiss. Pp. xxvi + 486. (New York: The Macmillan Co.; London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1917.) Price 7s. 6d. net.