Clinical Trials: Design, Conduct, and Analysis
Clinical Trials: Design, Conduct, and Analysis , by Dr Curtis Meinert, is a good reference for many practitioners of clinical trials. The book deals with single-center and multiple-center randomized prospective clinical trials, and uses several examples (14) of current and important clinical trials, such as the University Group Diabetes Program, the Persantine Aspirin Reinfarction Study, and the Hypertension Prevention Trial. In addition to the necessary discussions on such key ingredients as study design, sample size and power, randomization forms design, and data collection, the text has several sections that deal with important and necessary issues rarely addressed: committee structures, publication policies, operation manuals, sample consent forms, and budget preparation recommendations. This book has many tables and figures representing the actual data from previous clinical trials, which helps maintain interest for the clinician investigator, and includes an appendix that provides sketches of several major trials used throughout the text. In addition, the