Functional metallomacrocycles and their polymers. XXII. Thermally stable metallophthalocyanine formaldehyde condensation resins

A novel class of urea-formaldehyde condensation resins containing covalently bound metallophthalocyanine [M = A1(III), Co(II), Ni(II), or Cu(II)] was synthesized from [tetrakis(methyl-olamide)phthalocyaninato] metal complexes and dimethylolurea in aqueous solution by heating at 120°C for 10 h, followed by heating at 150°C for about 1 day. The structures of the polymers obtained were characterized by infrared and reflection electronic spectra. The thermal stabilities of the resins were evaluated by dynamic thermogravimetric analyses. The resin containing 21.3 wt % Ni(II)-metallophthalocyanine had the greatest thermal stability, with 82 wt-% char yield at 600°C in air atmosphere.