Intelligent Scheduling Systems for Shipbuilding

■Daewoo Shipbuilding Company, one of thelargest shipbuilders in the world, has experienceda great deal of trouble with the planning andscheduling of its production process. To solve theproblems, from 1991 to 1993, Korea AdvancedInstitute of Science and Technology (KAIST) andDaewoo jointly conducted the Daewoo Ship-building Scheduling (das) Project. To integratethe scheduling expert systems for shipbuilding,we used a hierarchical scheduling architecture. Toautomate the dynamic spatial layout of objects invarious areas of the shipyard, we developed spa-tial scheduling expert systems. For reliable esti-mation of person-hour requirements, we imple-mented the neural network–based person-hourestimator. In addition, we developed the paneled-block assembly shop scheduler and the long-range production planner. For this large-scaleproject, we devised a phased development strate-gy consisting of three phases: (1) vision revela-tion, (2) data-dependent realization, and (3)prospective enhancement. The