실험계획법을 이용한 현가 부품의 피로수명 형상 최적설계
In order to maximize the fatigue life of the suspension component of vehicle, a new shape
optimization method is presented. In this method, the shape control point concept is introduced
to reduce the numbers of shape design variables. Also, the two-level orthogonal array is
employed to evaluate the design sensitivity of fatigue life with respect to those shape design
variables, because the analytical design sensitivity information is not directly supplied from the
commercial CAE softwares. In this approach, only the six design variables are used to
approximate the shape of lower control arm. Then, performed are only 10 fatigue life analyses
including the baseline design, 8 DOE models and the final design. The final design, the best
combination obtained from the sensitivity information, can maximize the fatigue life nearly two
times as that of the baseline design, while reducing the 14 percentage of weight than it.