Privacy preserving efficient digital forensic investigation framework

In today's era, efficiency of digital forensic investigation process is the biggest challenge for digital forensic community. The efficiency of investigation depends on the other various factors like storage capacity of digital media, proficiency of investigator and type of investigating case. Moreover, these storage devices do not store only investigating case related data but also stores accused personal and professional information which can lead a breach of privacy of accused. Very little attention has been given to make digital investigation process fully automated. In the Privacy Preserving Efficient Digital Forensic Investigation (PPEDFI) framework, we bridge the gap between efficiency and the privacy issue in digital forensic investigation process. The main contribution of the PPEDFI framework is to make the digital investigation process automated and shorten the turnaround time in evidence extraction process, thus saving the cost and time of digital investigation process. To evaluate the system, we conducted an investigation study namely: Digitized Document Fraud. The proposed framework was able to extract the evidence files and also rank them on the basis of their relevancy for being evidence.