Milk curd obstruction mimicking necrotizing enterocolitis.

Intestinal obstruction in the newborn due to milk curds was first observed by Cook and Rickham 1 in 1969. The diagnosis has been confused with necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). 2 A recent experience with an infant with milk curd obstruction who had clinical and roentgenographic evidence of NEC prompted this report. Report of a Case .—An 880-g boy of 28 weeks' gestation was delivered vaginally after prolonged rupture of fetal membranes for more than 120 hours and administration of a course of betamethasone (12 mg/day for two doses) five days prior to delivery. Apgar scores of 8 and 4 at one and five minutes, respectively, led to bag and mask ventilation with 100% inspired oxygen. Initial problems included hyaline membrane disease that required prolonged mechanical ventilation, jaundice that required a double volume exchange transfusion, and seizures. Continuous feedings through a tube placed in the second portion of the duodenum consisting of commercially