Comparative studies on the soluble protein fractions of bovine, equine, porcine and ovine adrenal chromaffin granules.

Ca2+ ion entered in exchange with 1 H+ ion. The uptake of 4 Ca2+ ions (with succinate) was accompanied by the ejection of 4 H+ ions and the uptake of 1 oxygen atom, with a H+/O ration 2 per energy-conserving site. In our experiments the uptake of 4 Ca2+ ions was coupled with the ejection of 8 H+ ions and the uptake of 2 oxygen atoms, with a constant stoicheiometry of 2 H+/O per energy-conserving site. Azzi, A. & Azzone, G. F. (1965). Biochem. J. 96, lc. Mitchell, P. & Moyle, J. (1965). Nature, Lond., 208, 147. Moore, C. & Pressman, B. C. (1964). Biochem. biophy8. Re8. Commun. 15, 562. Rasmussen, H., Chance, B. & Ogata, E. (1965). Proc. nat. Acad. Sci., Wa8h., 53, 1069. Rossi, C. & Azzone, G. F. (1965). Biochim. biophy8. Acta, 110, 434. Rossi, C. S. & Lehninger, A. L. (1964). J. biol. Chem. 239, 3971.