eGovernment Service Marketplace: Architecture and Implementation

In order to provide citizens with quality services, respecting public administrations autonomy, we propose a new concept of eGovernment Service Marketplace (eGovSM). This paper presents an overview of the architecture and implementation of eGovSM easing the automatisation of administrative process involving several administrations and allowing the reuse of data. This architecture facilitates citizens' interaction with different public administrations by providing them a single and personalized access point to services. The eGovSM is formalized using a set of XML Schema models in order to support the realization of an interoperable and open system. The architecture is based on four main functional modules: UNICITIDM (UNIiversal CITizen IDentifier Manager) a module for the creation and management of citizen unique identifiers, LEM (Life Event Manager) for the management of all citizen interactions with the marketplace, DM (Document Manager) for the management of administrative process execution and SM (Service Manager) for the management of all public administrations interactions with eGovSM.