Talking cognition: mapping and making the terrain

Overview This book addresses issues of conversation and cognition. For the first time some of the world's experts on interaction analysis have been brought together to consider the nature and role of cognition. They address the question of what part, if any, cognitive entities should play in the analysis of interaction. They develop different answers. Some are consistent with current thinking in cognitive psychology and cognitive science; others are more critical, questioning the idea that cognition is the obvious and necessary start point for the study of human action. The question of the relation of language and thought has been a central one in cognitive and developmental psychology for more than thirty years. For the contributors here the focus is not on language as it is traditionally understood but rather on talk or, even more specifically, on talk-in-interaction. That is, not on language as an abstract set of words, meanings, or a system of contrasts as it has usually been conceived, but talk as a practical, social activity, located in settings, occurring between people, used in practices. This approach has significant implications for the way traditional issues of cognition are treated. Talk and cognition have been brought together only rarely in the past and often for particular purposes local to one discipline. However, there are some important precursors to the current enterprise, and we will describe them in detail below.

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[26]  Lois Bloom,et al.  One Word at a Time: The Use of Single Word Utterances Before Syntax , 1976 .

[27]  J. Searle A classification of illocutionary acts , 1976, Language in Society.

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[31]  Brian MacWhinney,et al.  Pragmatics in memory: A study of natural conversation , 1977 .

[32]  D. Smith `K is Mentally Ill' the Anatomy of a Factual Account , 1978 .

[33]  Paul Drew,et al.  Accusations: The Occasioned Use of Members' Knowledge of `Religious Geography' in Describing Events , 1978 .

[34]  Anita M. Pomerantz Compliment Responses: Notes on the Co-operation of Multiple Constraints , 1978, Asking and Telling in Conversation.

[35]  H. Mehan,et al.  Learning Lessons, Social Organization in the Classroom , 1979 .

[36]  J. Gibson The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception , 1979 .

[37]  G. Jefferson A technique for inviting laughter and its subsequent acceptance/declination , 1979 .

[38]  H. H. Clark Responding to indirect speech acts , 1979, Cognitive Psychology.

[39]  Jeff Coulter,et al.  The social construction of mind , 1979 .

[40]  Anita M. Pomerantz,et al.  Telling My Side: “Limited Access’ as a “Fishing” Device , 1980 .

[41]  Emanuel A. Schegloff,et al.  Preliminaries to Preliminaries: “Can I Ask You a Question?” , 1980 .

[42]  A. Grimshaw,et al.  Mishearings, Misunderstandings, and Other Nonsuccesses in Talk: A Plea for Redress of Speaker‐Oriented Bias , 1980 .

[43]  U. Neisser John Dean's memory: A case study , 1981, Cognition.

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[45]  Roy Harris,et al.  The Language Myth , 1981 .

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[48]  M. Rosaldo,et al.  The things we do with words: Ilongot speech acts and speech act theory in philosophy , 1982, Language in Society.

[49]  J. Searle Intentionality: Name index , 1983 .

[50]  J. Fodor The Modularity of mind. An essay on faculty psychology , 1986 .

[51]  E. Goffman The Interaction Order: American Sociological Association, 1982 Presidential Address , 1983 .

[52]  J. Searle Intentionality: An Essay in the Philosophy of Mind , 1983 .

[53]  A.W. McHoul,et al.  Why there are no guarantees for interrogators , 1987 .

[54]  Jeff Coulter,et al.  Rethinking Cognitive Theory , 1983 .

[55]  Anita M. Pomerantz Agreeing and disagreeing with assessments: some features of preferred/dispreferred turn shapes , 1984 .

[56]  D. Pillemer,et al.  Flashbulb memories of the assassination attempt on President Reagan , 1984, Cognition.

[57]  Anita M. Pomerantz Giving a source or basis: The practice in conversation of telling ‘how i know’ , 1984 .

[58]  John O. Greene A cognitive approach to human communication: An action assembly theory , 1984 .

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[60]  J. Maxwell Atkinson,et al.  Structures of Social Action: Public speaking and audience responses: some techniques for inviting applause , 1985 .

[61]  J. Bruner Actual minds, possible worlds , 1985 .

[62]  P. Drew Structures of Social Action: Speakers' reportings in invitation sequences , 1985 .

[63]  H. Elias Im Anfang war die Tat , 1985 .

[64]  Gail Jefferson,et al.  On the Interactional Unpackaging of a "Gloss.". , 1985 .

[65]  Judy Davidson Structures of Social Action: Subsequent versions of invitations, offers, requests, and proposals dealing with potential or actual rejection , 1985 .

[66]  J. Coulter Two Concepts of the Mental , 1985 .

[67]  J. Atkinson,et al.  A change-of-state token and aspects of its sequential placement , 1985 .

[68]  H. Gardner,et al.  The Mind's New Science , 1985 .

[69]  H. Molotch,et al.  Talking Social Structure: Discourse, Domination and the Watergate Hearings , 1985 .

[70]  T. Pinch,et al.  The Hard Sell: `Patter Merchanting' and the Strategic (Re)Production and Local Management of Economic Reasoning in the Sales Routines of Markt Pitchers , 1986 .

[71]  John Heritage,et al.  Generating Applause: A Study of Rhetoric and Response at Party Political Conferences , 1986, American Journal of Sociology.

[72]  William L. Benoit,et al.  Consciousness: The mindlessness/mindfulness and verbal report controversies , 1986 .

[73]  Anita M. Pomerantz Extreme case formulations: A way of legitimizing claims , 1986, Asking and Telling in Conversation.

[74]  R. Sanders Cognitive Foundations of Calculated Speech: Controlling Understandings in Conversation and Persuasion , 1986 .

[75]  E. Mishler Research Interviewing: Context and Narrative , 1986 .

[76]  Richard H. Schwartz,et al.  Cognitive assessment: A multibehavior-multimethod-multiperspective approach , 1986 .

[77]  Geoffrey E. Hinton,et al.  A general framework for parallel distributed processing , 1986 .

[78]  D. Edwards,et al.  Conversation and remembering: Bartlett revisited , 1987 .

[79]  E. Schegloff Some sources of misunderstanding in talk-in-interaction , 1987 .

[80]  P. Drew,et al.  Po-faced receipts of teases , 1987 .

[81]  Michael Moerman Talking Culture: Ethnography and Conversation Analysis , 1987 .

[82]  Michael Billig,et al.  Arguing and Thinking: A Rhetorical Approach to Social Psychology , 1987 .

[83]  E. Koff,et al.  Flashbulb memories of menarche and adult menstrual distress. , 1987, Journal of adolescence.

[84]  C. Goodwin Forgetfulness as an Interactive Resource , 1987 .

[85]  Graham Button,et al.  Answers as interactional products: two sequential practices used in interviews , 1987 .

[86]  Lucy Suchman Plans and situated actions: the problem of human-machine communication , 1987 .

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[95]  Roger C. Schank,et al.  SCRIPTS, PLANS, GOALS, AND UNDERSTANDING , 1988 .

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[99]  A. J. Wootton,et al.  Erving Goffman: Exploring the interaction order. , 1992 .

[100]  J. Bohannon Flashbulb memories for the space shuttle disaster: A tale of two theories , 1988, Cognition.

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[113]  D. Maynard,et al.  Standardized Testing as an Interactional Phenomenon. , 1990 .

[114]  P. Drew Strategies in the Contest between Lawyer and Witness in Cross-Examination , 1990 .

[115]  J. Coulter,et al.  The praxiology of perception: Visual orientations and practical action , 1990 .

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[117]  Anita M. Pomerantz Mental concepts in the analysis of social action , 1990 .

[118]  Robert Hopper,et al.  Ethnography and conversation analysis after talking culture , 1990 .

[119]  Emanuel A. Schegloff Interactional Troubles in Face-to-Face Survey Interviews: Comment , 1990 .

[120]  Anita M. Pomerantz,et al.  Conversation analytic claims , 1990 .

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[123]  Wallace L. Chafe,et al.  Some things that narratives tell us about the mind. , 1990 .

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[125]  A. M. Turing,et al.  Computing Machinery and Intelligence , 1950, The Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence.

[126]  Jeff Coulter Ethnomethodology and the human sciences: Cognition: cognition in an ethnomethodological mode , 1991 .

[127]  Emanuel A. Schegloff,et al.  Conversation analysis and socially shared cognition , 1991, Perspectives on socially shared cognition.

[128]  D. Edwards Categories Are for Talking , 1991 .

[129]  R. Wooffitt ‘l was just doing X ... when Y’: Some inferential properties of a device in accounts of paranormal experiences , 1991 .

[130]  Steven E. Clayman,et al.  The Diversity of Ethnomethodology , 1991 .

[131]  Arthur Still,et al.  Against Cognitivism Alternative Foundations for Cognitive Psychology , 1991 .

[132]  R. Harré Language, Saussure and Wittgenstein , 1991 .

[133]  Phillip J. Glenn Current speaker initiation of two‐party shared laughter , 1991 .

[134]  Anita M. Pomerantz,et al.  What drives social action , 1991 .

[135]  Paul Drew,et al.  Analyzing talk at work: an introduction , 1992 .

[136]  D. Maynard,et al.  Good reasons for bad testing performance: The interactional substrate of educational exams , 1992 .

[137]  Vincent R. Waldron,et al.  Assessing Conversational Cognition Levels of Cognitive Theory and Associated Methodological Requirements , 1992 .

[138]  H. Garfinkel,et al.  Two incommensurable, asymmetrically alternate technologies of social analysis , 1992 .

[139]  E. Schegloff Repair After Next Turn: The Last Structurally Provided Defense of Intersubjectivity in Conversation , 1992, American Journal of Sociology.

[140]  Robin Wooffitt,et al.  Telling Tales of the Unexpected: The Organization of Factual Discourse , 1992 .

[141]  David B. Pillemer,et al.  Affect and accuracy in recall: Remembering personal circumstances: A functional analysis , 1992 .

[142]  Emanuel A. Schegloff,et al.  To Searle on Conversation: A Note in Return , 1992 .

[143]  J. Coulter Bilmes on ‘Internal States’: A Critical Commentary , 1992 .

[144]  Ulric Neisser,et al.  Phantom flashbulbs: False recollections of hearing the news about Challenger. , 1992 .

[145]  D. Edwards,et al.  The Chancellor's memory: Rhetoric and truth in discursive remembering , 1992 .

[146]  William F. Brewer Affect and accuracy in recall: The theoretical and empirical status of the flashbulb memory hypothesis , 1992 .

[147]  Referring to Internal Occurrences: A Reply to Coulter , 1992 .

[148]  Paul E. Gold,et al.  Affect and accuracy in recall: A proposed neurobiological basis for regulating memory storage for significant events , 1992 .

[149]  Schaeffer Nc,et al.  Negotiating certainty: uncertainty proposals and their disposal in standardized survey interviews. , 1993 .

[150]  L. Resnick,et al.  Social foundations of cognition. , 1993, Annual review of psychology.

[151]  Wayne A. Beach,et al.  Transitional regularities for ‘casual’ “Okay” usages , 1993 .

[152]  Derek Edwards,et al.  Language and causation : a discursive action model of description and attribution , 1993 .

[153]  J. Shotter Conversational Realities: Constructing Life through Language , 1993 .

[154]  R. Hilbert,et al.  Sentiments and acts , 1993 .

[155]  Norbert Schwarz,et al.  Judgment in a Social Context: Biases, Shortcomings, and the Logic of Conversation , 1994 .

[156]  Derek Edwards,et al.  Script Formulations , 1994 .

[157]  C. Antaki Explaining and Arguing: The Social Organization of Accounts , 1994 .

[158]  U. Neisser,et al.  The remembering self Construction and accuracy in the self-narrative: The remembering self , 1994 .

[159]  S. Levinson Interactional biases in human thinking , 1995 .

[160]  Wes Sharrock,et al.  Computers, Minds and Conduct , 1995 .

[161]  C. Goodwin Co-constructing Meaning in Conversations with an Aphasic Man. , 1995 .

[162]  Barbara J. O'Keefe,et al.  Managing the flow of ideas: A local management approach to message design , 1995 .

[163]  D. Edwards Two to Tango: Script Formulations, Dispositions, and Rhetorical Symmetry in Relationship Troubles Talk , 1995 .

[164]  Charles Goodwin,et al.  Seeing in Depth , 1995 .

[165]  Paul Drew,et al.  Social intelligence and interaction: Interaction sequences and anticipatory interactive planning , 1995 .

[166]  E. Hutchins Cognition in the wild , 1995 .

[167]  John O. Greene Production of Messages in Pursuit of Multiple Social Goals: Action Assembly Theory Contributions to the Study of Cognitive Encoding Processes , 1995 .

[168]  C. Goodwin,et al.  Cognition and communication at work: Seeing as situated activity: Formulating planes , 1996 .

[169]  Seymour Sudman,et al.  Thinking about Answers: The Application of Cognitive Process to Survey Methodology , 1996 .

[170]  E Winograd,et al.  Remembering the earthquake: direct experience vs. hearing the news. , 1996, Memory.

[171]  J. Potter Representing Reality: Discourse, Rhetoric and Social Construction , 1996 .

[172]  Edwin Hutchins,et al.  Distributed Cognition in an Airline Cockpit , 1996 .

[173]  D. Edwards Discourse and cognition , 1996 .

[174]  Emanuel A. Schegloff,et al.  Confirming Allusions: Toward an Empirical Account of Action , 1996, American Journal of Sociology.


[176]  G. Jefferson On the poetics of ordinary talk 1 , 1996 .

[177]  Stephen Hester,et al.  Culture in Action: Studies in Membership Categorization Analysis , 1996 .

[178]  Sandra A. Thompson,et al.  Interaction and grammar: Frontmatter , 1996 .

[179]  B. Fehr,et al.  When Supervising Physicians See Patients Strategies Used in Difficult Situations , 1997 .

[180]  P. Brown Interaction and the development of mind , 1997 .

[181]  DOUGLAS W. MAYNARD,et al.  Keeping the Gate , 1997 .

[182]  Charles Goodwin,et al.  Contested Vision: The Discursive Constitution of Rodney King , 1997 .

[183]  W. Beach,et al.  Claiming Insufficient Knowledge , 1997 .

[184]  Charles Goodwin,et al.  The Blackness of Black: Color Categories as Situated Practice , 1997 .

[185]  Robin Wooffitt,et al.  Conversation Analysis: Principles, Practices and Applications , 1998 .

[186]  Jonathan Potter,et al.  Cognition as Context (Whose Cognition , 1998 .

[187]  S. Savage-Rumbaugh,et al.  Apes, Language, and the Human Mind , 1998 .

[188]  Jonathan Potter,et al.  Discursive Social Psychology: From Attitudes to Evaluative Practices , 1998 .

[189]  J. Searle Mind, Language, And Society: Philosophy In The Real World , 1998 .

[190]  D. Maynard,et al.  Bad news in oncology : How physician and patient talk about death and dying without using those words , 1998 .

[191]  David Bogen,et al.  The Spectacle of History: Speech, Text, and Memory at the Iran-Contra Hearings , 1998 .

[192]  Jack Whalen,et al.  Observations on the display and management of emotion in naturally occurring activities: the case of “Hysteria”in calls to 9-1-1 , 1998 .

[193]  T. Stivers,et al.  Online commentary in acute medical visits: a method of shaping patient expectations. , 1999, Social science & medicine.

[194]  B. Rogoff,et al.  Everyday Cognition: Development in Social Context , 1999 .

[195]  K. Gergen An invitation to social construction , 1999 .

[196]  E. Schegloff,et al.  Discourse, Pragmatics, Conversation, Analysis , 1999 .

[197]  J. Coulter Discourse and Mind , 1999 .

[198]  Susan Leigh Star,et al.  Sorting Things Out: Classification and Its Consequences , 1999 .

[199]  H.F.M. te Molder,et al.  Discourse of Dilemmas: An Analysis of Communication Planners' Accounts , 1999 .

[200]  Meredith Williams,et al.  Wittgenstein, Mind and Meaning: Towards a Social Conception of Mind , 1999 .

[201]  M. Billig Freudian Repression: Conversation Creating the Unconscious , 1999 .

[202]  C. Goodwin Practices of Color Classification , 2000 .

[203]  C. Antaki,et al.  "Brilliant. Next Question. ..": High-Grade Assessment Sequences in the Completion of Interactional Units , 2000 .

[204]  C. Goodwin Vision and Inscription in Practice , 2000 .

[205]  H. Houtkoop-Steenstra Interaction and the Standardized Survey Interview: Frontmatter , 2000 .

[206]  C. Goodwin Action and embodiment within situated human interaction , 2000 .

[207]  Alan L. Sillars,et al.  Cognition During Marital Conflict: The Relationship of Thought and Talk , 2000 .

[208]  Toward a Sociology of Social Scientific Knowledge , 2000 .

[209]  Lucy Suchman,et al.  Making a case: knowledge and routine work in document production. , 2000 .

[210]  L. Rips,et al.  The Psychology of Survey Response , 2000 .

[211]  N. C. Schaeffer,et al.  28 Standardization and Interaction in the Survey Interview , 2001 .

[212]  Markku Haakana Laughter as a patient's resource: Dealing with delicate aspects of medical interaction , 2001 .

[213]  D. Maynard,et al.  Standardization vs. Rapport: Respondent laughter and Interviewer Reaction during Telephone Surveys , 2001, American Sociological Review.

[214]  E. Stokoe,et al.  Making Gender Relevant: Conversation Analysis and Gender Categories in Interaction , 2001 .

[215]  R. Harré Cognitive Science: A Philosophical Introduction , 2002 .

[216]  Jeffrey S Bowers,et al.  Challenging the widespread assumption that connectionism and distributed representations go hand-in-hand , 2002, Cognitive Psychology.

[217]  J. van der Zouwen,et al.  Standardization and tacit knowledge : interaction and practice in the survey interview , 2002 .

[218]  S. Wiggins Talking With Your Mouth Full: Gustatory Mmms and the Embodiment of Pleasure , 2002 .

[219]  J. Potter,et al.  Manufacturing individual opinions: market research focus groups and the discursive psychology of evaluation. , 2002, The British journal of social psychology.

[220]  T. Stivers,et al.  Presenting the Problem in Pediatric Encounters: "Symptoms Only" Versus "Candidate Diagnosis" Presentations , 2002, Health communication.

[221]  Paul Bloom,et al.  Children Are Cursed , 2003, Psychological science.

[222]  Geoffrey Raymond Grammar and Social Organization: Yes/No Interrogatives and the Structure of Responding , 2003, American Sociological Review.

[223]  D. Edwards,et al.  Rethinking Cognition: On Coulter on Discourse and Mind , 2003 .

[224]  D. Edwards,et al.  Bill and Monica: memory, emotion and normativity in Clinton's Grand Jury testimony. , 2003, The British journal of social psychology.

[225]  Phillip J. Glenn Laughter in Interaction , 2003 .

[226]  Gary Stix Take a Number , 2003 .

[227]  Joyce Lamerichs,et al.  Computer-Mediated Communication: From a Cognitive to a Discursive Model , 2003, New Media Soc..

[228]  Sally Wiggins,et al.  Attitudes and evaluative practices: category vs. item and subjective vs. objective constructions in everyday food assessments. , 2003, The British journal of social psychology.

[229]  J. Potter,et al.  "I'm a Bit Concerned"--Early Actions and Psychological Constructions in a Child Protection Helpline , 2003 .

[230]  D. Maynard Bad News, Good News: Conversational Order in Everyday Talk and Clinical Settings , 2003 .

[231]  Jennifer Caroline Greene,et al.  Handbook of communication and social interaction skills , 2003 .

[232]  Alexa Hepburn,et al.  Crying: Notes on Description, Transcription, and Interaction , 2004 .


[234]  M. Budd Wittgenstein on meaning, interpretation and rules , 1984, Synthese.

[235]  Geoffrey Raymond,et al.  The Terms of Agreement: Indexing Epistemic Authority and Subordination in Talk-in-Interaction , 2005 .

[236]  J. Coulter,et al.  Language without mind , 2005 .

[237]  J. Potter,et al.  Is confusion a state of mind , 2005 .

[238]  Harold Garfinkel,et al.  On Formal Structures of Practical Actions , 2005 .

[239]  Timothy Halkowski Communication in Medical Care: Realizing the illness: patients' narratives of symptom discovery , 2006 .

[240]  Geoffrey Raymond The epistemics of social relations: Owning grandchildren , 2006, Language in Society.