Abstract Problems of sub-plant mismatch, hitherto treated numerically, are considered. Closed-form solutions are obtained for the predictor scheme with sub-plant K/8, modelled by K'/8, where K'/8 takes arbitrary (positive) values not necessarily close to K. The case of a small mismatch in delay only of the same scheme is treated similarly. The paper concludes with a detailed treatment of sub-plant mismatch accompanied by simultaneous small mismatch in delay. This has implications, in particular, for the choice of sign of delay mismatch in the use of deliberate mismatch for the improvement of performance. The techniques of the paper are applicable to more general sub-plant accompanied, or not, by small mismatch in delay.
K. Åström.
Introduction to Stochastic Control Theory
S. V. Salehi,et al.
Time-delay mismatch and the performance of predictor control schemes
J. E. Marshall,et al.
Closed form solution for time delay systems' cost functionals
O. Jacobs,et al.
Introduction to Control Theory
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.
J. E. Marshall,et al.
Control of Time-Delay Systems
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.