Nature Genetics Advance Online Publication Genetic Association Study of Qt Interval Highlights Role for Calcium Signaling Pathways in Myocardial Repolarization

Michael J Ackerman | Christian Gieger | Thomas Meitinger | Joshua C Denny | Raimund Erbel | Hagen Kälsch | Manolis Kellis | Uwe Völker | Dan M Roden | Luigi Ferrucci | Meena Kumari | Florian Kronenberg | Karl-Heinz Jöckel | Hailiang Huang | Markus Perola | Kasper Lage | Jesper V Olsen | Johan Sundström | Fredrik Nyberg | Kamil Slowikowski | Vilmundur Gudnason | Igor Rudan | Kari Stefansson | Lars Lind | Arthur A M Wilde | Tamara B Harris | Maura Griffin | Martina Müller-Nurasyid | Melanie Waldenberger | Paolo Gasparini | Christian Fuchsberger | Marylyn D Ritchie | Marcus Dörr | Nilesh J Samani | Andre Franke | Andrew D. Johnson | Harry Campbell | Lude Franke | David Schlessinger | Johannes Haerting | Christopher J O'Donnell | Bruce M Psaty | Soumya Raychaudhuri | Caroline Hayward | Lasse Oikarinen | Erik Ingelsson | Stefan Gustafsson | David Ellinghaus | Lewin Eisele | Harold Snieder | Albert Hofman | Robert M Hamilton | Veikko Salomaa | Cornelia M van Duijn | Michael Knoflach | Aravinda Chakravarti | Annette Peters | Peter H Whincup | Antonella Mulas | André G Uitterlinden | Mika Kähönen | Siegfried Perz | Stefan Kääb | Richard W Morris | Mark J Daly | Lenore J Launer | Joshua C Bis | Serena Sanna | Angel Carracedo | Sandosh Padmanabhan | Ann-Christine Syvänen | Peter W Macfarlane | Aaron Isaacs | Daryl Waggott | Stephen W Scherer | Claudia Lamina | Per Hoffmann | Mika Kivimaki | Andrew D Johnson | Oscar H Franco | Arne Pfeufer | Laurie A Boyer | Norbert Frey | Johann Willeit | Alice Ghidoni | Bernhard Paulweber | Markus M Nöthen | Gianfranco Sinagra | Jeffrey R O'Connell | Wendy S Post | Jan A Kors | Thomas W. Mühleisen | Unnur Thorsteinsdottir | Andrew N Nicolaides | Thomas P Cappola | Gonçalo R Abecasis | Pim van der Harst | Lia Crotti | Karl Werdan | Joel S Bader | Olli T Raitakari | Valur Emilsson | Ivana Kolcic | Andrew D Paterson | Folkert W Asselbergs | Bernhard Strohmer | Pau Navarro | Peter P Pramstaller | Martin G Larson | Massimo Carella | Alan F Wright | Bruno H Stricker | Edward G Lakatta | Rebecca L Zuvich | Peter A Noseworthy | Stephan B Felix | Eimo Martens | Toshiko Tanaka | M. Nalls | C. Gieger | F. Kronenberg | M. Waldenberger | O. Franco | A. Hofman | A. Uitterlinden | T. Spector | A. Peters | L. Ferrucci | M. Daly | G. Abecasis | S. Scherer | T. Lehtimäki | Manolis Kellis | D. Gudbjartsson | T. Mühleisen | U. Thorsteinsdóttir | M. Nöthen | K. Stefánsson | A. Paterson | J. Bader | V. Salomaa | M. Perola | D. Schlessinger | J. O’Connell | S. Cummings | N. Samani | Morris J. Brown | A. Dominiczak | P. Munroe | S. Newhouse | M. Caulfield | V. Gudnason | V. Emilsson | J. Viikari | K. Lage | P. Macfarlane | P. Noseworthy | J. Haerting | P. D. de Bakker | Albert Vernon Smith | A. Chakravarti | P. D. Bakker | A. Hingorani | E. Behr | O. Raitakari | E. Lakatta | S. Raychaudhuri | J. Witteman | D. Arnar | T. Meitinger | A. Mulas | M. Uda | Yongmei Liu | B. Psaty | D. Siscovick | S. Wild | D. Roden | P. Schwartz | D. Arking | B. Stricker | J. Olsen | Runjun D. Kumar | P. Whincup | H. Snieder | E. Ingelsson | P. Harst | N. E. Mokhtari | C. Newton-Cheh | J. Rotter | B. Paulweber | A. Pfeufer | L. Lind | J. Ärnlöv | J. Denny | T. Harris | A. Wilde | A. Syvänen | I. Rudan | N. Sotoodehnia | K. Jöckel | G. Watt | S. Pulit | A. Isaacs | S. Gustafsson | M. Müller-Nurasyid | C. V. van Duijn | A. Jula | L. Franke | H. Hólm | S. Kiechl | J. Willeit | R. Erbel | R. D. de Boer | M. Ritchie | A. Nicolaides | M. Griffin | E. Rossin | C. O’Donnell | M. P. van den Berg | Á. Carracedo | U. Völker | A. Franke | A. Wright | J. Smith | J. Bis | N. Mononen | B. Oostra | M. Larson | Daniel S. Evans | C. Hayward | I. Kolčić | O. Polašek | H. Campbell | M. Kähönen | L. Launer | James F. Wilson | S. Heckbert | W. Post | S. Perz | I. Nolte | S. Padmanabhan | G. Ehret | S. Felix | P. Gasparini | P. van der Harst | S. Sanna | J. Strait | A. Shuldiner | A. Parsa | R. Loos | L. Lyytikäinen | A. Hicks | M. Kumari | M. Kivimaki | P. Pramstaller | D. Tester | M. Ackerman | G. Navis | L. Boyer | R. Zuvich | D. Ellinghaus | Kamil Slowikowski | C. Fuchsberger | C. Duijn | M. Dörr | J. Kors | P. Navarro | W. Kao | Y. Bradford | I. M. Leach | P. Hoffmann | J. Sundström | F. Asselbergs | S. Ulivi | C. Lamina | R. Morris | Hailiang Huang | A. Medeiros-Domingo | J. Kors | I. Mateo Leach | M. Carella | K. Margulies | K. Werdan | L. Crotti | B. Stricker | N. Frey | K. Tarasov | M. Orru' | R. Erbel | Eimo Martens | S. Kääb | V. Probst | Á. Alonso | A. Kluttig | K. Greiser | D. V. van Veldhuisen | P. A. van der Vleuten | D. Waggott | F. Asselbergs | M. Eijgelsheim | A. Lundby | M. Markus | Y. Jamshidi | Andrew A. Hicks | R. D. Boer | L. Eisele | A. d'Adamo | T. Koopmann | M. Morley | Xinchen Wang | Annukka M. Lahtinen | S. Chatel | Å. T. Naluai | B. Strohmer | A. Panayiotou | M. Torres | M. Knoflach | J. Hubacek | H. E. Meyer zu Schwabedissen | L. Zelante | A. Plump | Xiaoyan Yin | M. Bobbo | A. Iorio | G. Sinagra | K. Kontula | A. Marjamaa | L. Oikarinen | K. Porthan | H. Kälsch | M. den Hoed | D. Thelle | H. Prucha | Moritz F. Sinner | B. Beckmann | A. Bardai | N. Hofman | C. Dalageorgou | J. Giudicessi | J. Barc | F. Kyndt | A. Ghidoni | R. Insolia | R. Hamilton | Jeffrey Brandimarto | C. Moravec | F. Del Greco M | W. Lee | N. E. El Mokhtari | B. Krijthe | Lyudmyla Kedenko | V. Adámková | M. Brión | F. Nyberg | J. Schott | C. Bezzina | T. Cappola | A. Wilde | D. V. Veldhuisen | Christopher Newton-Cheh | Paul I W de Bakker | Yongmei Liu | David S Siscovick | Ilja M Nolte | Vincent Probst | Elijah R Behr | Peter J Schwartz | Jean-Jacques Schott | Nona Sotoodehnia | Susan R Heckbert | Alvaro Alonso | Afshin Parsa | Alan R Shuldiner | Ben A Oostra | James F Wilson | Andrew A Hicks | Mark J Caulfield | Timothy D Spector | Jerome I Rotter | Jacqueline C M Witteman | Antti Jula | Aroon D Hingorani | W H Linda Kao | Michael A Nalls | Moritz F Sinner | James B Strait | Toshiko Tanaka | Johan Ärnlöv | Stefan Kiechl | Thomas W Mühleisen | Terho J Lehtimäki | Leo-Pekka Lyytikäinen | Gerjan Navis | Sarah H Wild | Patricia B Munroe | Manuela Uda | Ruth J F Loos | Xiaoyan Yin | Steven R Cummings | Ozren Polašek | Mark Eijgelsheim | Dan E Arking | Sara L Pulit | Tamara T Koopmann | Elizabeth J Rossin | Michael Morley | Xinchen Wang | Alicia Lundby | Daníel F Gudbjartsson | Yuki Bradford | Kirill V Tarasov | Annukka M Lahtinen | Stephen J Newhouse | Daniel S Evans | Sheila Ulivi | David J Tester | Stéphanie Chatel | Åsa T Naluai | Alexander Kluttig | Andrie G Panayiotou | Maria Torres | Jaroslav A Hubacek | Runjun D Kumar | Georg Ehret | Morris Brown | J Gustav Smith | Karin H Greiser | Henriette Meyer Zu Schwabedissen | Leopoldo Zelante | David O Arnar | Hilma Hólm | Andrew S Plump | Marco Bobbo | Adamo P D'Adamo | Annamaria Iorio | Kimmo K Kontula | Annukka Marjamaa | Kimmo Porthan | Marcel den Hoed | Dag S Thelle | Hanna Prucha | Rudolf A de Boer | Pieter A van der Vleuten | Britt Maria Beckmann | Abdennasser Bardai | Nynke Hofman | Chrysoula Dalageorgou | John R Giudicessi | Argelia Medeiros-Domingo | Julien Barc | Florence Kyndt | Roberto Insolia | Jeffrey Brandimarto | Kenneth Margulies | Christine E Moravec | Fabiola del Greco M | Wai K Lee | Graham C M Watt | Nour E El Mokhtari | Irene Mateo Leach | Maarten P van den Berg | Dirk J van Veldhuisen | Bouwe P Krijthe | Lyudmyla Kedenko | Marco Orrú | Marcello R P Markus | Nina Mononen | Jorma S Viikari | Vera Adamkova | Maria Brion | Anna F Dominiczak | Connie R Bezzina | Yalda Jamshidi | Annette Peters | H. Campbell | Yongmei Liu | Dag S. Thelle | A. Smith | M. Brion | P. A. Vleuten | O. Raitakari | A. Johnson | Alvaro Alonso | M. Nöthen | M. Daly | L. Lind | Bruce M. Psaty | Jerome I. Rotter | James F. Wilson | Xiaoyan Yin | Edward G. Lakatta | Paolo Gasparini | W. Kao | Josh C. Denny | Marcus Dörr | A. Hofman | D. S. Evans | P. Gasparini | U. Völker | Manolis Kellis | Johan Sundström | Peter A. Noseworthy | P. van der harst | Gonçalo R. Abecasis | Veikko Salomaa | Serena Sanna | Per Hoffmann | David S. Siscovick | Å. T. Naluai | Leopoldo Zelante | David Ellinghaus | Andre Franke | Pim van der Harst | Andrew D. Paterson | Pau Navarro | Kamil Slowikowski | Ben A. Oostra | K. Werdan | Angel Carracedo | M. Orrù | Abdennasser Bardai | Arne Pfeufer | M. FabiolaDelGreco | Jacqueline C. M. Witteman | Dan E. Arking | Bouwe P. Krijthe | S. Cummings | Valur Emilsson | Afshin Parsa | Marcel den Hoed | Kasper Lage | Henriette E. Meyer zu Schwabedissen | Graham Watt | Harold Snieder | James B. Strait | J. Gustav Smith | Norbert Frey | P. W. Macfarlane | James F. Wilson | Morris J. Brown | Dag S. Thelle | A. Smith | Xinchen Wang | Andre Franke | Rebecca L. Zuvich | Kasper Lage | H. M. Schwabedissen | Steven R. Cummings | Nilesh J. Samani | Toshiko Tanaka | Mark J. Daly | Erik Ingelsson | Moritz F. Sinner | Susan R. Heckbert | Jeffrey R. O'Connell | Stephen W. Scherer | Joel S. Bader | Christopher Newton-Cheh | Nour Eddine El Mokhtari | Kari Stefansson | Timothy D. Spector | Karl-Heinz Jöckel | Andrew N. Nicolaides | Michael Knoflach | Alan R. Shuldiner | Martin G. Larson | Lude Franke | Kimmo Kontula | M. Kähönen | Raimund Erbel | A. Uitterlinden | Sheila Ulivi | M. Ackerman | T. Spector | Toshiko Tanaka | B. Oostra | B. Psaty | Wendy S Post | T. B. Harris | Christine E. Moravec | Mika Kivimäki | M. P. Berg | Hailiang Huang | Martina Müller-Nurasyid | D. Schlessinger | Christopher J. O'Donnell | Stephan B. Felix | R. F. Loos | A. Wright | Stefan Kiechl | M. Kivimäki | Andrew D. Johnson | Yongmei Liu | Sara L. Pulit | Lia Crotti | Patricia B. Munroe | Tamara T. Koopmann | Nona Sotoodehnia | Elizabeth J. Rossin | Michael Morley | Alicia Lundby | Daniel F. Gudbjartsson | Mark Eijgelsheim | Yuki Bradford | Kirill Tarasov | Martina Müller-Nurasyid | Annukka M. Lahtinen | Ilja M. Nolte | Albert V. Smith | Joshua C. Bis | Aaron Isaacs | Stephen Newhouse | Daniel S. Evans | Wendy S. Post | Daryl Waggott | Leo-Pekka Lyytikäinen | Andrew A. Hicks | Lewin Eisele | Caroline Hayward | Sheila Ulivi | David J. Tester | Stéphanie Chatel | Meena Kumari | Richard W Morris | Åsa Torinsson Naluai | Sandosh Padmanabhan | Alexander Kluttig | Bernhard Strohmer | Andrie G. Panayiotou | María Dolores Torres | Jaroslav A. Hubacek | Soumya Raychaudhuri | Runjun D. Kumar | Tamara B. Harris | Lenore J. Launer | Alvaro Alonso | Georg B. Ehret | W. H Linda Kao | James B. Strait | Peter W. Macfarlane | Morris J. Brown | Mark J. Caulfield | Florian Kronenberg | Johann Willeit | Karin Halina Greiser | Karl Werdan | Massimo Carella | Ivana Kolcic | Ozren Polasek | Alan F. Wright | Maura Griffin | David O. Arnar | Hilma Holm | Unnur Thorsteinsdottir | Joshua C. Denny | Dan M. Roden | Andrew S. Plump | Christopher J. O'Donnell | Marco Bobbo | Adamo Pio D'Adamo | Annamaria Iorio | Gianfranco Sinagra | Angel Carracedo | Michael A. Nalls | Antti Jula | Annukka Marjamaa | Lasse Oikarinen | Markus Perola | Kimmo Porthan | Per Hoffmann | Hagen Kälsch | Markus M. Nöthen | Ruth J. F. Loos | Dag S. Thelle | Christian Gieger | Thomas Meitinger | Siegfried Perz | Annette Peters | Hanna Prucha | Melanie Waldenberger | Rudolf A. de Boer | Pieter A. van der Vleuten | Britt M. Beckmann | Eimo Martens | Nynke Hofman | Arthur A.M. Wilde | Elijah R. Behr | Chrysoula Dalageorgou | John R. Giudicessi | Argelia Medeiros-Domingo | Julien Barc | Florence Kyndt | Vincent Probst | Alice Ghidoni | Roberto Insolia | Robert M. Hamilton | Jeffrey Brandimarto | Kenneth B. Margulies | Christine E. Moravec | M FabiolaDelGreco | Christian Fuchsberger | Wai Kwong Lee | Graham Watt | Harry Campbell | Sarah H. Wild | Norbert Frey | Folkert W. Asselbergs | Irene Mateo Leach | Gerjan Navis | Maarten P. van den Berg | Dirk J. van Veldhuisen | Oscar H. Franco | Jan A. Kors | André G. Uitterlinden | Lyudmyla Kedenko | Claudia Lamina | Antonella Mulas | Marco Orru | David Schlessinger | Manuela Uda | Marcello Ricardo Paulista Markus | Uwe Völker | Johan Ärnlöv | Lars Lind | Ann-Christine Syvänen | Mika Kähönen | Nina Mononen | Olli T. Raitakari | Jorma Viikari | Vera Adamkova | Maria Brion | Bernhard Paulweber | Johannes Haerting | Anna F. Dominiczak | Fredrik Nyberg | Peter H. Whincup | Aroon D. Hingorani | Jean-Jacques Schott | Connie R. Bezzina | Luigi Ferrucci | Igor Rudan | Thomas W. Mühleisen | Peter P. Pramstaller | Terho Lehtimäki | Cornelia M. van Duijn | Vilmundur Gudnason | Yalda Jamshidi | Stephan B. Felix | Marylyn D. Ritchie | Bruno H. Stricker | Laurie A. Boyer | Thomas P. Cappola | Jesper V. Olsen | Peter J. Schwartz | Stefan Kääb | Aravinda Chakravarti | Michael J. Ackerman | Paul I. W. de Bakker | Richard W Morris | Robert M. Hamilton | M. D. Hoed | Jesper V. Olsen | Andrew D. Johnson | Gerjan Navis | Maura Griffin | Andrew N. Nicolaides | Michael Morley | Runjun D. Kumar | Hailiang Huang | J. G. Smith | Martin G. Larson | Stephen W. Scherer | Fredrik Nyberg | Andrew D. Paterson | Richard W. Morris

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