A fuzzy set based approach for integration of thematic maps for landslide susceptibility zonation

Spatial prediction of landslides is termed landslide susceptibility zonation (LSZ). In this study, an objective weighting approach based on fuzzy concepts is used for LSZ in a part of the Darjeeling Himalayas. Relevant thematic layers pertaining to landslide causative factors have been generated using remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) techniques. The membership values for each category of thematic layers have been determined using the cosine amplitude fuzzy similarity method and are used as ratings. The integration of these ratings led to the generation of LSZ map. The integration of different ratings to generate an LSZ map has been performed using a fuzzy gamma operator apart from the arithmetic overlay approach. The process is based on determination of combined rating known as the landslide susceptibility index (LSI) for all the pixels using the fuzzy gamma operator and classification using the success rate curve method to prepare the LSZ map. The results indicate that as the gamma value increases, the accuracy of the LSZ map also increases. It is observed that the LSZ map produced by the fuzzy algebraic sum has reflected a more real situation in terms of landslides in the study area.

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