3D Cadastre in Argentina: Maps and Future Perspectives

SUMMARY Argentina is a federation of 23 provinces, plus the Federal Capital District (City of Buenos Aires). The agencies responsible for land registrat ion and for cadastral survey depend on provincial government. Cadastral organizations are related to different ministries depending on the specific province. Cadastral systems cover t he following aspects: legal (properties and possession), economic (land valuation and land taxa tion support), and geometric (surveying maps). Since each province has its own cadastre, th e emphasis in the roles mentioned above vary among them. The role of the provincial cadastr e is complemented mainly by municipal cadastres according to the provincial organization and development. Cadastral maps cover urban and rural areas, showing the administrative and parcel boundaries, constructions and complementary improvements, as well as roads and streets. The main shortcomings of the Argentinian cadastre are t he lack of georeferenced data; the spatial extent of rights is not available in the cadastral map. The multipurpose vision of cadastre is still very i ncipient throughout the country and probably that is the reason why the Argentinean Spatial Data Infrastructure (IDERA) has not yet been implemented.