Objective functions with redundant domains

Let $(E,{ \mathcal{A}})$ be a set system consisting of a finite collection ${ \mathcal{A}}$ of subsets of a ground set E, and suppose that we have a function ϕ which maps ${ \mathcal{A}}$ into some set S. Now removing a subset K from E gives a restriction ${ \mathcal{A}}(\bar{K})$ to those sets of ${ \mathcal{A}}$ disjoint from K, and we have a corresponding restriction $\phi|_{\hspace {.02in}{ \mathcal{A}}(\bar{K})}$ of our function ϕ. If the removal of K does not affect the image set of ϕ, that is $\mbox {Im}(\phi|_{\hspace {.02in}{ \mathcal{A}}(\bar{X})})=\mbox {Im}(\phi)$, then we will say that K is a kernel set of${ \mathcal{A}}$with respect toϕ. Such sets are potentially useful in optimisation problems defined in terms of ϕ. We will call the set of all subsets of E that are kernel sets with respect to ϕ a kernel system and denote it by $\mathrm {Ker}_{\phi}({ \mathcal{A}})$. Motivated by the optimisation theme, we ask which kernel systems are matroids. For instance, if ${ \mathcal{A}}$ is the collection of forests in a graph G with coloured edges and ϕ counts how many edges of each colour occurs in a forest then $\mathrm {Ker}_{\phi}({ \mathcal{A}})$ is isomorphic to the disjoint sum of the cocycle matroids of the differently coloured subgraphs; on the other hand, if ${ \mathcal{A}}$ is the power set of a set of positive integers, and ϕ is the function which takes the values 1 and 0 on subsets according to whether they are sum-free or not, then we show that $\mathrm {Ker}_{\phi}({ \mathcal{A}})$ is essentially never a matroid.