Modeling study on a forward recursive construction approach of dynamical equations of mechanism systems with flexible articulated joints

This paper discusses modeling approach of a forward recursive construction of mechanical system with the flexible hinge joints. A forward recursive construction approach for dynamical equations of articulated flexible multibody systems with open loop construction are presented in the Wittenberg interconnected matrix systems. The motion of the flexible multibody systems with articulated joints has been resolved using the floating reference frames which are defined on the rigid states of flexible bodies. Vibration modes of components and model coordinates are used to express the deformation of the flexible multibody systems with articulated joints. Forward recursive construction approaches are used in kinetic analyzing. Kinetic equations and dynamics equations of the flexible body system with roll hinge and slide hinge are derived. The equations are fairly direct-vision and simple in resolution of the motion, straddling of elastic deformation of component and description of construction of system.