Resumo: Atualmente, Objetos de Aprendizagem (OAs) tem se apresentado como uma tecnologia eficiente no auxilio a educacao. Contudo, ainda e uma tarefa bastante complexa a construcao de OAs a partir da selecao de um conjunto de recursos digitais ou do reuso de recursos a partir de outros OAs. Para facilitar essa tarefa, propomos nesse trabalho a adocao dos conceitos de estilos arquiteturais para o auxilio a construcao de OAs para a TV Digital Interativa. Na nossa abordagem, realizamos a geracao automatica de codigo dos OAs na linguagem NCL a partir da descricao de um estilo, de modo a facilitar a construcao de complexas estruturas hipermidia para fins educacionais. Abstract: Nowadays, Learning Objects (LOs) have present themselves as an effective technology in educational aid. However, building LOs from the selection of a set of digital resources or from the reuse of resources of other LOs are still extremely complex tasks. To facilitate these tasks, we propose in the work the adoption of architectural style concepts to aid the construction of LOs to the Interactive TV. In our approach, we perform an automatic code generation of LOs in the NCL language from the description of a style, in a way to facilitate the construction of complex educational hypermedia structures.
Liang Zhao.
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IEEE 2002 International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS'02). Social Implications of Information and Communication Technology. Proceedings (Cat. No.02CH37293).
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Connecting learning objects to instructional design theory: A definition, a metaphor, and a taxonomy
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Interactive Television and e-Learning Convergence: Examining the Potential of t-Learning
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XConnertor and XTemplate: improving the expressiveness and reuse in web authoring languages
New Rev. Hypermedia Multim..