Educational Web site: Radioisotopic methods of determining body composition

We have designed a Web site intended to inform the general public aboutexisting nuclear technologies based on the measurement of radioisotopes inthe human body. The presentation is focused on the concept of radioisotopemeasurements for determination of body composition (bone, muscle, water, fat),and the risks, benefits, and clinical applications of these techniques. Procedurescovered are 40K whole body counting, delayed-gamma neutron activation,prompt-gamma neutron activation, and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Theinformation presented is tailored for the nonscientific public, in order topromote familiarity with and understanding of the basic concepts of radioisotopemeasurements in the human body. Further development of the site will includegreater scientific detail, suitable for student instruction or for continuingeducation requirements of various certification programs.