In vitro vs. in vivo tape stripping: validation of the porcine ear model and penetration assessment of novel sucrose stearate emulsions.

Porcine ear skin is frequently used as a substitute for human skin in dermatological research and is especially useful for tape stripping experiments where the penetration of active substances into the uppermost skin layers is investigated. However, certain differences between the surface properties of these skin types exist, and reports on the comparability of tape stripping data obtained in vitro using porcine ear skin and data obtained in vivo on human forearm skin are scarce. Thus, we performed comparative tape stripping experiments in which the skin penetration of curcumin and fluorescein sodium from conventional microemulsions and hydrogels was investigated. In this context, the skin penetration potential of novel semi-solid macroemulsions and fluid nanoemulsions based on sucrose stearate was evaluated as well. The removed corneocytes were quantified by NIR-densitometry using recent correlation data for human and porcine proteins. The trends observed for the skin penetration into porcine ear skin were highly representative for the in vivo situation on human skin, confirming that the porcine ear is an excellent in vitro model for tape stripping experiments. Moreover, the validity of the NIR-densitometric approach for the quantification of both human and porcine stratum corneum proteins was confirmed in this study for the first time.

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