Globalization and third world socialism : Cuba and Vietnam

List of Tables PART I: OVERVIEW Introduction C. Brundenius & J.Weeks A Tale of Two Transitions: Cuba and Vietnam J.Weeks Adapting to Globalization: Lessons from China R.Newfarmer & D.M.Lui PART II: THE CASE OF CUBA Globalization, Restructuring and International Reinsertion A.Romero Globalization, The MAI, and Nationalization in Cuba M.Figueras Household Economy and Morality during the Special Period M.Rosendahl Labour Markets and Income Distribution during Crisis and Reform R.Fabienke The Future of the Cuban Model: A Longer View C.Brundenius & P.Monreal PART III: THE CASE OF VIETNAM Systemic Change and Economic Reforms R.Mallon & G.Irvin Vietnam in the Asian Crisis S.Tonnesson Trade and Industrial Policy Reform: Challenge of Continuous Change A.Kokko Global Sub-contracting and the Gender Division of Labour A.N.Tran The Social Impact of the Reform Process A.McCarty PART IV: ALTERNATIVE RESPONSES C.Brundenius & J.Weeks Index