Principal Support: What Does It Mean to Teacher-Librarians?.

This study examines the meaning of the concept of "principal support" from the point of view of seven teacher-librarians in two Alberta (Canada) school districts. It also explores the different ways in which these teacher-librarians went about increasing principal support for the school library program and for their role as teacher-librarians. The findings have been derived from the analysis of data collected for two studies involving aspects of teacher-librarian practice. The teacher-librarians indicated that the principal shows support for the program in three ways: (1) by working directly with teachers to develop their understanding of the program; (2) by clearly demonstrating personal commitment to the program; and (3) by using the management role of the school leader to enable the program. By working with the teachers, the principal makes it clear that teachers are expected to be involved in the school library program, both during the hiring process and on an ongoing basis. The principal encourages teachers' professional development in relation to the school library program by providing inservice and by providing time for the program in staff meetings. In his or her management and administrative role in the school, the principal supports the program by ensuring the provision of adequate budgeting for materials and for clerical help. Principal support for the teacher-librarian is also shown by providing teacher-librarians with an element of visibility and importance. (AEF) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** Principal Support What Does it Mean to Teacher-Librarians?