An Improved Signal Detection Algorithm for TWACS based Power Line Signals

TWACS (two-way automatic communication system) is a powerful technology to send signals on power lines. The authors have developed an innovative new approach to detecting TWACS signals while applying the technology to check the continuity of a distribution feeder and detect the formation of islands in power distribution systems. This paper presents a new algorithm to detect TWACS signals which increases the reliability and accuracy of the detection process while reducing the cost of signal detection and transmission. It will take advantage of a DSP capability and has been tested using extensive field measured signals. The results show signals as low as 1.2% of the supply voltage can be detected as compared to 3% with the current analog method. Thus the cost and negative impact of the signal on power quality can be reduced. This paper presents detailed research results on the proposed algorithm and extensive field data tests have shown that the proposed algorithm is much more reliable than the traditional method