Craps and Magic

Problem 1.-How can these players operate simultaneously in both the dimensions of rationality and irrationality, of probability and magic? These cab driver-crapshooters usually bet according to known probability ("rational" aspect of the game), yet they have many magical practices in their betting and shooting that make little sense to an outside observer (the "irrational" aspects of the game). Once one understands the players' basic belief system, their system of cause and effect, one then sees that their magical practices are also "rational," that is, the strategies these players usse to maximize their own control over the dice when they are shooting and to minimize the control of other shooters are logically consistent within their belief system. Without understanding their belief system, we do not understand their behavior. Problem 2.- What is the origin of their magical behavior and belief system? An attempt is made to reconcile theories of Malinowski and Kroeber concerning the origin of magic whith principles of operant conditioning.