BESP - Benchmarking de escolas secundárias Portuguesas

The BESP (Benchmarking Portuguese Secondary Schools) Website has been created within a research project financed by FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) and developed in cooperation between the Portuguese Catholic University in Porto, the IDMEC from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, and by INEGI. BESP is a benchmarking platform for secondary schools whose aim is to help schools in their self and external evaluation. For that purpose, a set of key performance indicators were developed in relation to which schools can, in real time, analyze their performance relative to other schools and analyze the evolution of their performance over time. To the general public two main tools are available: one that allows the comparison of a school with others in a given indicator, and another that allows the construction of league tables of schools based on criteria defined by the user. The indicators made available at this level are built using public data concerning the results of students in national exams at the end of secondary education. Schools can also have access to an enlarged set of indicators, as long as they have registered in the website and have filled in a questionnaire to provide BESP with data that is not public. Resumo