Omni-directional GaitofLimbMechanism Robot Hanging fromGrid-like Structure

jp Abstract -A methodforlimbmechanism robots ofomni- directional gaithanging fromgrid-like structure isproposed. Grid-like structure consists ofmanybarsassembled inamatrix inahorizontal plane; itsgridspacing isnotalways constant and unknown. A robothassixlegs, andeachfoothasahemispherical shapeforhooking onthebar.Therobotmovesinanydirection ascommandedby tripodgait; ithangsfromthegrid-like structure using twosetsofthreelegsalternately. Theleggropes forthebarsoastotakeaslongstroke aspossible. Byincreasing joint compliance, thefootcontacts thebarsoftly anddetects the contact. Then,using afootforce sensor, therobotascertains that thefoothooksonthebar.Thedeveloped robotASTERISKcan perform omni-directional gaithanging fromexperimental grid- like structure bytheproposed method. IndexTerms- Six-legged robot, Grid-like structure, Omni- directional gait, force sensor, joint compliance

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