ellites, long a mainstay of U.S. intelligence-gathering, are now presenting new challenges for U.S. national security. The United States and the Soviet Union have long since reconciled themselves to being spied on by each other from space. Now, however, the advent of imaging satellite systems owned and operated by a variety of third parties, including governments other than the superpowers (France, Canada, the European Space Agency, India, and China) and private companies, is raising new concerns for U.S. peacetime foreign relations and military activities, and for crisis management and wartime operations. These new satellites, primarily civilian remote-sensing instruments, are intended to gather information on subjects ranging from agriculture to urban planning, but they can also observe scenes of military interest, and their data are publicly available. They have already been used to reveal new information about Soviet military facilities on the Kola peninsula and to publicize deployments in the Iran-Iraq war. Attention has centered on the potential media uses of remote-sensing satellites (unsurprisingly, issues focusing on the media often garner substantial media attention).' But the issues raised by the loss of the superpowers' monopoly go far beyond the potential conflict between national security and First Amendment rights to gather and disseminate information. The prospect of using these systems for independent verification of multilateral arms control accords is already attracting growing interest among Europeans and
Ray P. Linville.
The Soviet year in space 1987: by Nicholas L. Johnson Teledyne Brown Engineering, Colorado Springs, CO, USA, 1988, 155 pp
Nicholas L. Johnson,et al.
Soviet military strategy in space
J. Blight,et al.
The Eleventh Hour of the Cuban Missile Crisis: An Introduction to the ExComm Transcripts
Ashton B. Carter.
Satellites and Anti-Satellites: The Limits of the Possible
James Bamford,et al.
The puzzle palace : a report on America's most secret agency
Edward A. Kolodziej,et al.
Space weapons and international security
American Political Science Review.
Andrew J. Pierre,et al.
Outer Space: A New Dimension of the Arms Race
M M May,et al.
Safeguardsing Our Military Space Systems
J. Deasey,et al.
The Wizards of Armageddon
Gregory F. Treverton,et al.
Seeking Stability in Space: Anti-Satellite Weapons and the Evolving Space Regime
W. E. Burrows.
Deep Black: Space Espionage and National Security
B. Jasani,et al.
Satellites for arms control and crisis monitoring