Unit commitment problem is an optimization problem to determine the start-up and shut-down schedule of thermal units while satisfying various constraints, for example, generation-demand balance, unit minimum up/down time, system reserve, and so on. Since this problem involves a large number of 0–1 type variables that represent up/down status of the unit and continuous variables expressing generation output, it is a difficult combinatorial optimization problem to solve. The study at present concerns the method for requiring the suboptimum solution efficiently.
Unit commitment method widely used solves the problem without consideration of voltage, reactive power, and transmission constraints. In this paper, we will propose a solution of unit commitment with voltage and transmission constraints, based on the unit decommitment procedure (UDP) method, heuristic method, and optimal power flow (OPF). In this method, initial unit status will be determined from random numbers and the feasibility will be checked for minimum start-up/shut-down time and demand-generation balance. If the solution is infeasible, the initial solution will be regenerated until a feasible solution can be found. Next, OPF is applied for each time period with the temporary unit status. Then, the units that have less contribution to the cost are detected and will be shut down based on the unit decommitment rules. This process will be repeated until suboptimal solution is obtained.
The proposed method has been applied to the IEEE 118-bus test system with 36 generating units with successful result. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 144(3): 36–45, 2003; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/eej.10187
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