High Voltage High Frequency Electrospinning Nano-Fiber Generator

In this paper we have proposed a system which allows us to generate a medical gauze-like composition made of Nano-fibers. The structure protects a wound or burn from external harm. The proposed method can be used in many different scenarios and terrains. It can work with AC supply as well as its own rechargeable battery. The proposed design is working on the principles of electrospinning and ion wind. A very high voltage is supplied to a needle, and the solution is fed through this needle. At the other side of the needle, the high voltage causes the solution molecules to become ionized. These ionized molecules are now attracted to the ground. The attraction between the needle and ground causes the molecule to arrange themselves into Nano-fibers. The solution we have used is Poly Vinyl Alcohol solution, and this can be made using most of the common anti-septic solutions available in the market and PVA powder. The wounded body part must be placed near electrical ground, and the gun nozzle aimed at the wound. Within 5 minutes, most wounds can be effectively coated. The gun can be places in a stand and used or it can be hand in the operator's hand.