Study on Design of a Twisted Full-Spade Rudder for a Large Container Ship by the Genetic Algorithm

AbstractThis paper describes the design of a full-spade twisted rudder section by using the genetic algorithm based on VLM(Vortex Lattice Method) and panel method. The developed propeller- rudder analysis program has been validated by compar ing with experimental data. The developed code has been used for the design of a twisted full-spade rudder especially for finding out optimum section. The optimization has been firs tly carried out by the genetic algorithm. The more detail variation of a rudder section has been also conducted by changing section profile in more detail to confirm the most optimum section profile. The developed new twisted rudder has been compared with existing tw isted rudder by cavitation testing in the cavitation tunnel at MOERI. It is concluded that the developed twisted rudder has a lower cavity in comparison with existing twisted rudder. The verification of efficiency gain is expected to be carried out through self-propulsion test s in the near future. ※Keywords: Rudder section optimization(방향타 단면최적화), Genetic algorithm(유전자 알고리즘), Rudder cavitation(방향타 캐비테이션), Combined analysis method of vortex lattice and panel(양력면과 양력판의 복합 해석 방법)접수일: 2009년 6월 5일, 승인일: 2009년 9월 2일✝교신저자:, 051-510-2401