Ultrafast optical time-domain network technology

a resonance bandwidth of the interferometer one after another. A repetition time of the pulses -rREP was 6.5 nsec and a pulse width T~ was about 2 nsec. A separation between adjacent frequency components is given by dv/dt X T ~ ~ ~ , i.e. 1.5 GHz, which coincides with the laser cavity mode separation. The pulse width T~ directly corresponds to the duration, in which one of the chirped frequency csmponents stays within a resonance bandwidth of the interferometer, so that, T~ = TRT X vRES/vFS. Substitute the experimental parameters, the pulse width is 1.7 nsec, and it is a good agreement with the experimental one. This indicates that the narrower the resolution bandwidth, the shorter the pulse width. A frequency shifted feedback laser using a diode pumped Nd:YVO, was successfully demonstrated. The experimental result taken by a Fabry-P&ot interferometer predicts that the output spectrum of the laser consists of chirped comb of frequency components evenly spaced by the laser cavity mode separation. Further details will be presented at the conference. F. V. Kowalski, P. D. Hale, S. J. Shattil, Optics Lett. 13, 622 (1988). P. F. Wysocki, M. J. F. Digonnet, B. Y. Kim, Optics Lett. 15, 273 (1990). M. W. Phillips, G. Y. Liang, J. R. M. Barr, Optics Comm. 100, 473 (1993). S. Balle, I. C. M. Littler, K. Bergmann, F. V. Kowalski, Optics Comm. 102, 166 (1993).