Haemophilus parainfluenzae meningitis in a newborn.

ALTHOUGHHaemophilus influenzaemeningitis has been described in newborns, a search of the literature failed to reveal a case of Hparainfluenzaemeningitis in a newborn. Report of a Case A full-term baby was delivered on March 21, 1963. The membranes had not ruptured prematurely, and the total duration of labor was five hours. The newborn appeared normal during the first 48 hours. On March 23, the baby's temperature was recorded as 101.8 F (38.8 C) rectally. At that time, twitching of the eyes was noted. The color of the skin was dusky. The anterior fontanelle bulged at rest. Except for a few rales in the left side of the chest, the results of the rest of the examination were within normal limits. Spinal fluid, taken on the same day, was red-brown in color, had a leukocyte count of 1,440/cu mm, with 56% neutrophils and 44% mononuclear cells, and 8,570