Artificial Neural Network Based Machining Operation Selection for Prismatic Components
Computer-aided process planning systems are used to assist human planners in producing better process plans. New artificial intelligence techniques play a significant role in CAPP. CAPP research includes neural network approaches, knowledge-based techniques, Petri nets, agent-based, fuzzy set theory, genetic algorithm, Standard for the Exchange of Product model data (STEP)-Compliant CAPP, and Internet-based techniques. This study deals with the application of the Artificial Neural Network techniques (ANN) in CAPP because of their learning ability and massive potential toward dynamic planning. This study focuses on the usage of artificial neural networks machining operation selection and sequences of operations for prismatic components. The intelligent CAPP system suggests the best machining operation and its sequences for the prismatic components using tolerances, material requirements, and surface finish details. The process planning of machining features in part is the starting point. An enormous amount of knowledge is required for part feature process planning, like selecting proper material, size, stock, dimensional tolerance, and surface finish. In this work, various prismatic features, such as a hole, slot, pocket, boss, chamfer, fillet, and face are taken and details like material, size, stock, dimensional tolerance and surface finish are properly normalized and given as input to neural networks to find the required sequence of machining operation. LevenbergMarquidt algorithm was used to train the networks and was found very effective in operation sequence selection. A sample prismatic component with nine features have been analyzed and found to be more productive. Levenberg Marquidt algorithm is then compared with the conjugant space algorithm, and it is found that the former produces less error in outputs compared to them later.