We present an improvement to the traditional one‐dimensional partial Fourier method by extending the method to multi‐dimensions. The modified method allowed a full factor of two savings in time with much better coverage of the central k‐space information and, because of this, smaller reconstruction artifacts. The residual magnitude error was found to correlate strongly with the residual phase error. Numerical simulation also indicated that with a priori perfect phase information, the original magnitude image could be perfectly reconstructed with half of the k‐space data points in the multi‐dimensional case. Simulated, phantom, and human data sets were tested with edge differences ranging from 10% (consistent with variable Gibbs ringing) to 25% (consistent with a blurred version of the object). The method was found to be a valuable adjunct to human imaging for short TR, T1‐weighted three‐dimensional gradient‐echo imaging and magnetic resonance (MR) angiographic methods, especially when short echo times were used. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2001;14:628–635. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.
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