In the Eiltoinologists' AIontiily ?Ilagazine, 1917, Tro1. LIII, 1' . 137, Mr. T I7 . H. '1'. 'i'ams calls attelltion to differc~;ccs 110th ill ~naculatio~l and genitalic structure bet\\-cell the IF,uropeaii species, B ~ i , p l c n i ~ luciparn 1,inn. and our North American species \vhich has been going under the saixe name. 1114o\vn studies oil these species Tr?ll>corrchoi-ate A4r. Tallls' I-eill:rrks. and as I believe the male gei:itn!ia to h e sufficiently different to n-21-1-at11 the supposition that the Sor th -l~nericall and the Eui-opean i o r n ~ s are distit?ct. I prnpose the a!~ovc name for t!le S ~ l t l i -1inerical: species. designatiilg a. i~i:!le speciillen. No. 516, in the Canadian Sational Collection fl-oin Ottaxa, (lilt., as holotypc. 'I'he excelie~lt plate given with 11r. 'l'alns' article slion-s clearly the diiTereilces l~otn-een the iwo species and i;b;:ia;es the necessity for any further description (111 iny part. Escaria hsmagena sp. 11. Male ;ttltennae lengthily ciliate. Hea.c! rmd thoi-as pale creamy sprinkleti -with darlieiscales ; abciotllen snlooth, ochi-cous. Pi-iiliaries at1 adtxixture oi light olivaceous bron-11, n-hitish ai?d snloliy shadcs, the latter predotllillating ill the median al-ea heyoild the cel! :uild in the tei-illinal area: t . a . line indistinct. irregular, n;hitish ~l-i th a sll~a!l I~ro1v11 loop rcpi-csenting t!lc c!a~iiorill attachct! l ~ e l o ~ v tlic cell; orbicular a sillall hut prominent n-hitc om1 outlil~ed \\.it11 black: rcniforill inconspicuous. pastially hidden by dark shading, partly outlined ill black ; between the two spots on costa an obliclt~e dark sliatle represents the illeiliall s!iade. and below the orbicular is a quadrate whitish area occupying nearly the entii-c ~vidtli of the median area; t. p. line outliizcd in ~ i ~ h i t e , niost distinct in lorver portion of ~viiig, wit11 two proiliinent teeth below costa and an irregular bulge out~vai-ds below cell, the space between renifoi-in and this bulge being fillet1 with sinolcy black shading; s. t. line white, strongly angled helow apex of wing, then close to outer margin with a pi-oii~inelit "W" illark or1 veins 3 and 4 ; apex of ~ving shaded ~v i th ~vllitish, relnaintler of terminal area snloky ; fringes ~vell checkered. Secondaries dull s~noky \vitll traces of a paler postiilediail band ; ii-ii~ges whitish. Beneath. priillai-ies dull snloky with paler terlniilal area and strongly checliered fringes; secoildaries whitish n,i'ch large discal lunule atld t ~ v o smoliy areas along terminal margin. Expanse 2; Holo t~ lpc I 9 , 14ethl-)ridge, ,-llta. (June 28) ( T I 7 . Carter). S o . 517, in the Canadian National Collection.