Magnetic circular dichroism of M and R centres in KCl. II. The technique of moments in the R-centre problem

For pt.I. see ibid., vol.6, 2733-44 (1973). The zeroth and first moments of the magnetic circular dichroism of the R1, R2 and RM bands of R centres have been calculated in the frame of Silsbee's model. The experimental results of Merle d'Aubigne and Duval (1968) as well as those of the first paper of this series are interpreted, yielding the following values of the involved parameters: Jahn-Teller constant, k2=1.25+or-0.25, effective mean energy of the Gamma 3 lattice vibration, h(cross) omega E=(120+or-20) cm-1; spin-orbit constant of the R1-band excited state, lambda 1=(-27+or-4) cm-1.