Performance Evaluation of cuDNN Convolution Algorithms on NVIDIA Volta GPUs

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have recently attracted considerable attention due to their outstanding accuracy in applications, such as image recognition and natural language processing. While one advantage of the CNNs over other types of neural networks is their reduced computational cost, faster execution is still desired for both training and inference. Since convolution operations pose most of the execution time, multiple algorithms were and are being developed with the aim of accelerating this type of operations. However, due to the wide range of convolution parameter configurations used in the CNNs and the possible data type representations, it is not straightforward to assess in advance which of the available algorithms will be the best performing in each particular case. In this paper, we present a performance evaluation of the convolution algorithms provided by the cuDNN, the library used by most deep learning frameworks for their GPU operations. In our analysis, we leverage the convolution parameter configurations from widely used the CNNs and discuss which algorithms are better suited depending on the convolution parameters for both 32 and 16-bit floating-point (FP) data representations. Our results show that the filter size and the number of inputs are the most significant parameters when selecting a GPU convolution algorithm for 32-bit FP data. For 16-bit FP, leveraging specialized arithmetic units (NVIDIA Tensor Cores) is key to obtain the best performance.

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