Detecting Malicious URLs in E-mail – An Implementation

Abstract The World Wide Web has become the most essential criterion for information communication and knowledge dissemination. It helps to transact information timely, rapidly and easily. Identity theft and identity fraud are referred as two sides of cybercrime in which hackers and malicious users obtain the personal data of existing legitimate users to attempt fraud or deception motivation for financial gain. E-Mails are used as phishing tools in which legitimate looking emails are sent making the genuine users identity with legitimate content with malicious URLs. It helps to steal consumers’ personal data such as user names, account numbers, passwords and other financial account credentials. Spam E-Mails emerges or transforms as Phishing mails. Spoofed Mails plays a vital role in which the hackers pretends to be a legitimate sender posing to be from a legitimate organization which divulges the user to give his personal credentials. The content may escape from Content based filters or the email may be without any body of the message except malicious URL in it. This paper identifies malicious URLs in email through reduced feature set method.