Electric field statistics for close lightning return strokes near Gainesville, Florida

The salient properties of the electric field intensity from first and subsequent lightning return strokes in the 0-to 25-km distance range near Gainesville, Florida, are presented, including electric field wave shape versus distance, initial peak rise time versus distance, rise time histograms, initial peak magnitude versus distance, normalized (to 100 km) initial peak magnitude histograms, normalized initial peak magnitude versus rise time, ramp starting time versus distance, and field at 170 μs versus distance. The mean normalized initial peak field for first return strokes was 9.9 V/m and for subsequent strokes, 5.7 V/m. The maximum measured values of normalized initial peak field were about 30 V/m. The largest field recorded at 170 μs was about 25 kV/m generated by a first stroke within 0.5 km. Return strokes were found to lower a typical charge of the order of 1 C in 170 μs.