Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: New Applications for New Users : Proceedings of eLex 2011, Bled, 10-12 November 2011
This paper presents an academic (non-commercial) lexicographic project called Dynamic Combinatorial Dictionary, which is currently being developed by members of the LACELL Research Group at the University of Murcia. The aim of this project is to bring e-Lexicography in closer alignment with lexical models that cannot be implemented in printed dictionaries. Theoretically, the project is informed by the Lexical Constellation Model. The main difference between this model and the mainstream approaches to collocation lies in its suitability for recognising more than one domain of lexical attraction within the same collocational window. We will distinguish two different manifestations of this multiplicity of domains. The first one is the phenomenon of indirect collocation, which has been investigated in previous Lexical Constellation research, and the second one is inter-collocability. This concept refers to positive or negative dependency relations between collocational pairs (not between words). It will be argued that incorporating inter-collocability features into lexical entries can lead to significant advances in the field of combinatorial lexicography.